Dona Genevieve Duran
18th Defender of the White Scarf of the Outlands

Outlands becomes a Kingdom:
- Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, 10/1/94
- Defender of the White Scarf, 10/2/94
- Flower, 6/15/96
- "Court Marquis", ?/3/97
- Court Baroness, 2/11/05
- Band of Curmudgeons of Caer Galen, 7/29/06
- Hans Hager Eyecrown aka Klaus,
29th Defender of the White Scarf of the Outlands
- Kylinne de Sancerre or maybe Eliane Duran, just call her Ky
- Michael Frebairne
- Seraphina Visconti
Minions in Training:
- Rose la Papellonne aka "MITens"
Outlands WS Page
Updated: 10 Nov 2013